Climate Justice Groups

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Did you know that Climate Change Books supports climate justice?

We donate 10% of our proceeds from all book sales and ads on this site to grassroots climate justice groups. Every time you visit Climate Change Books, buy a book using our affiliate links, add a link to Climate Change Books on your website, or share this site with your friends, you’re supporting people on the front lines of the struggle for climate justice.

This page contains a list of the climate justice groups we’ve donated to so far. We invite you to visit them online and do what you can to support the good work they’re doing for climate justice.

If you have suggestions for climate justice groups, let us know. We are most interested in supporting groups with an explicit focus on climate justice, a documented history of doing climate justice work in their local communities, and a grassroots/decentralized organizational structure.

Climate Justice Groups

Climate Justice Alliance

Read more about this donation by Climate Change Books
Read more about the 2021 donation by Treesong’s Bookshop

Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) formed in 2013 to create a new center of gravity in the climate movement by uniting frontline communities and organizations into a formidable force.

Their translocal organizing strategy and mobilizing capacity is building a Just Transition away from extractive systems of production, consumption and political oppression, and towards resilient, regenerative and equitable economies. They believe that the process of transition must place race, gender and class at the center of the solutions equation in order to make it a truly Just Transition.

Climate Justice Alliance members have won significant victories against polluting and extractive industries. They are building local alternatives that center traditional ecological and cultural knowledge and create a pathway for a regenerative future.

Center for Story-based Strategy

Center for Story-based Strategy

Read more about this donation by Climate Change Books

The Center for Story-based Strategy cultivates imagination spaces where story, grassroots leadership, organizing, and democracy are interwoven strategies to build power. 

What is story-based strategy and how does it relate to climate justice?

Story-based strategy is a participatory approach that links movement building with an analysis of narrative power and places storytelling at the center of social change. If you’re making anything to put out in the world that is meant to change the story towards justice and liberation, then story-based strategy might be for you.

We first discovered the Center for Story-Based Strategy by browsing the list of members of the Climate Justice Alliance. If you’re ever looking for climate justice groups to support, that’s a good place to start.

Indigenous Environmental Network

Indigenous Environmental Network

Read more about this donation by Climate Change Books

Established in 1990 within the United States, IEN was formed by grassroots Indigenous peoples and individuals to address environmental and economic justice issues (EJ).

IEN’s activities include building the capacity of Indigenous communities and tribal governments to develop mechanisms to protect our sacred sites, land, water, air, natural resources, health of both our people and all living things, and to build economically sustainable communities.

IEN accomplishes this by maintaining an informational clearinghouse, organizing campaigns, direct actions and public awareness, building the capacity of community and tribes to address EJ issues, development of initiatives to impact policy, and building alliances among Indigenous communities, tribes, inter-tribal and Indigenous organizations, people-of-color/ethnic organizations, faith-based and women groups, youth, labor, environmental organizations and others.

IEN convenes local, regional and national meetings on environmental and economic justice issues, and provides support, resources and referral to Indigenous communities and youth throughout primarily North America – and in recent years – globally.”

Hip Hop Caucus

Read more about this donation by Treesong’s Bookshop

Hip Hop Caucus is the political arm of Hip Hop fighting for racial, climate, & economic justice. Their mission is to use the power of cultural expression to empower communities who are first and worst impacted by injustice. Their vision is racial justice, healthy communities, and a healthy planet.

In addition to other projects, Hip Hop Caucus has a climate justice podcast called The Coolest Show. The Coolest Show is about connecting you, the audience, to brilliant leadership from Black, Indigenous, and Brown people, where they discuss the root causes of climate change and how we can right wrongs by solving the dual existential crises of climate and racism together.

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