The Climate Fiction Writers League is a group of authors who believe in the necessity of climate action, immediately and absolutely. Their website features a prominent quote that offers a good synopsis of what they do and why they do it:
Fiction is one of the best ways to inspire passion, empathy and action in readers. Our works raise awareness of climate change, and encourage action at the individual, corporate and government levels.
Climate Fiction Writers League website
The Climate Fiction Writers League has a membership of over 200 authors from around the world. They have collectively published hundreds of novels, short stories, and other works of fiction and creative nonfiction (essays etc.) with climate themes.
Most of our climate change reading lists feature around eight to twelve books that fit a specific theme or topic related to climate change. This list, on the other hand, is a huge collection of all of the works of all of these climate fiction authors that we’ve been able to find.
If you know of any titles that aren’t on the list, let us know! If we get enough interest, we might also start a reading list for climate fiction authors who aren’t members of the Climate Fiction Writers League. The league only accepts “traditionally published” authors, so such a list would be a helpful way of keeping track of independent and self-published climate fiction authors.
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